Pandora’s Box by Michelle Freeman (Colossive Cartographies 48)


Pandora reclaims her box in this feminist, queer and non-binary re-telling of the Greek myth.
Michelle Freeman, currently based in Liverpool, works at the magical intersection of fine art, comics and graphic narratives. She uses DIY printmaking techniques to create textures, working into these with layers of ink, pencil and charcoal.

All royalties from sales of this zine go to ActionAid, an international charity that works with women and girls living in poverty.

A4, full colour, folded to A6. Also available as part of a six-issue subscription (Series Eight).

Colossive Cartographies is an attempt to create a print equivalent of a series of seven-inch singles. Using a simple pop-out format based on the Turkish map fold, we’re collaborating with creators including cartoonists, fine artists, poets, writers and photographers to bring an unpredictable range of visual practice into a hand-folded treat.

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